Tag 1
1. Three names you go by
a) ajib
b) razif
c) jibam
2. Three screen names you've had
a) therazifs
b) ajibon
c) razif_tediousness
3. Three things you like bout yourself
a) minat kat banyak bende yang kebanyakan orang lain tak minat
b) dapat peluang study jauh jauh
c) terlalu membenci pasukan Manchester United FC
4. Three things you don't like bout yourself
a) selalu buat keje last minute
b) tak pandai sangat jaga hati teman wanita
c) kadang kala agak kelam kabut sikit
5. Three parts of your heritage
a) bermain gitar macam ayah aku
b) bawak kereta rilek je macam ayah aku
c) minat banget The Beach Boys ikut mak aku
6. Three things that scare you (or mostly creeps you out)
a) orang jahat seperti pembunuh dan perompak mungkin boleh membunuh aku
b) kalau jumpa pak guard yang bawak senapang -kat supermarket ke kat kedai emas ke...ini la satu satunya fobia aku...slalunya aku akan lari atau beredar ke tempat lain
c) makanan yang ada ingredient E471 ataupun ramuan ramuan lain yang sebabi dan sekhinzir dengannye
7. Three of your everyday essential
a) makan bola tidur bola
b) The Star
c) Buletin Utama
8. Three things you're wearing right now
a) kain pelekat cap Gajah Duduk
b) t-shirt lusuh ada tulis 'girls rule'
c) boxer oren disebalik kain pelekat
9. Three of your favorite bands (or artist at the moment)
a) Radiohead
b) The Libertines
c) Damien Rice
10. Three of your favorite songs
a) Black Star - Radiohead
b) Say It Ain't So - Weezer
c) Fly Me To the Moon - Frank Sinatra
11. Three new things you'd like to try in the next 12 months
a) melancong ke Jakarta bersama Bert
b) mendalami secara terperinci ilmu tentang sosialis
c) terus belajar menjadi seorang manusia dewasa
12. Three things you want in a relationship (love included in the package)
a) rasa rindu
b) berada dalam pelukan
c) SMS
13. Two truths and a lie
a) aku bawak toyota unser, tapi tu ayah aku punye...
b) aku takde lesen motor
c) aku sunat masa aku form 5
14. Three people who have to take this quiz now or die painfully.
b) nobody
4 Jobs I Had In My Life
1. Cleaner di UK
2. Clerk di Jabatan Pendidikan Negeri Selangor masa tunggu result SPM
3. Cashier di Jusco
4. Account Executive baru baru ni
Four Movies I Could Watch Over and Over
1. Steel Magnolias
2. The Godfather 2
3. American Beauty
4. Schindler's List
Four TV Shows I love To Watch
1. Puteri
2. Oggy and the Cockroaches
3. The Seinfield
4. Sex and the City
Four Places I've Lived
1. Shah Alam 1981-1987
2. Meru (1987 until now)
3. beberapa dorm asrama putera di SMKA Kuala Selangor (1994-1998)
4. Preston UK (2003-2005)
Four Places I've Been On Vacation To
1. Edinburgh
2. Prague, Czech Republic
3. Oban
4. Pulau Tioman
Four Places I'd Rather Be In
1. in my room playing Championship Manager
2. Brixton Academy London tengok concert Damien Rice
3. syurga
4. no 10 Downing Street
Four of My Favorite Foods
1. apa apa je boleh kot asalkan bukan ikan
2. pisang goreng yang jual petang petang tepi jalan
3. Nasi + ayam goreng + kuah madu Restoran Hakim
4. chillie cheese burger
Four Websites I Visit Daily
1. this blog
2. blog rakan rakan
3. soccernet.com
4. bbc.co.uk
Four Victims To Do this Tag
1. no victims at all
aku prefer godfather yg first..
wanker..byk2 tempat, no 10 kau pilih.
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